Kangaroo(Pollard’s kangaroo for SECPK1)
A Pollard’s kangaroo interval ECDLP solver for SECP256K1 (based on VanitySearch engine).
This program is limited to a 125bit interval search.
Fixed size arithmetic
Fast Modular Inversion (Delayed Right Shift 62 bits)
SecpK1 Fast modular multiplication (2 steps folding 512bits to 256bits reduction using 64 bits digits)
Multi-GPU support
CUDA optimisation via inline PTX assembly
git clone https://github.com/CryptoXploit/Kangaroo.git
Lets fire up the tool to available options
C:\Tools\Kangaroowindows>Kangaroo.exe -h
we need to provide an input file which consists of following data-
Start Range
End Range
public key 1
public key 2…….
remember that Kangaroo works only on public keys and the input file must have all values in hex format.the public key can be both compressed/uncompressed.
lets create an example text file called target.txt with puzzle #64 range and public key
C:\Tools\Kangaroowindows>notepad target.txt
lets fire up the command to see its working
C:\Tools\Kangaroowindows>Kangaroo.exe -t 1 -gpu target.txt
we used -t CPU threads as 1 and GPU calculation.its multi GPU supported tool same like vanity.within 37 seconds it found the key
we can periodically save the work and can restore it later on
C:\Tools\Kangaroowindows>Kangaroo.exe -t 1 -gpu -ws -w progress.work -wi 15 target.txt
we have used CPU thread 1 and -GPU calculation along with -ws switch for maintaining configuration with DP overhead -w for saving periodic progress and -wi for input target file and periodic saving after each 15 seconds.
To resume later we can use
C:\Tools\Kangaroowindows>Kangaroo.exe -ws -w progress.work -wi 15 -i progress.work
we dont need to supply target.txt again and we can resume the existing job from worker file progress.work
Kangaroo is very efficient and can be used in server-client cracking distribution where a kangaroo server will act as distribution point and multiple nodes can act as workers which will get job from server and periodically the progress will be send to server.