
Crack encrypted master Key(MKEY) and Childkey(CKEY) of a bitcoin wallet.its a proof of concept tool
mkey and ckeys are encrypted with AES256CBC & An AES key is an array of 32 bytes length this a chance of 1 of 2^256 This number have 78 decimal digits

root@CryptoXploit:~# git clone
root@CryptoXploit:~# cd crackBTCwallet/
root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# apt install yasm
root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# make

Program Run
Extract the Ckey and Mkey from wallet.dat
root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# ./get_mkey_ckey wallet.dat

Program Mode-Single CKEY
root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# ./crackbtcshell
Developed by AlbertoBSD. I wish you very good luck!!
one shell would appear to you
crackBTC >
Now you can load a ckey, set the number of threads, quiet the output and some others configs
we will keep quiet mode on(it may slow the server with out if its turned off) and number of threads depends on CPU cores so for 4 cores it would be 8 threads.we can see the running status of tool using stats
crackBTC > set quiet 1
crackBTC > set threads 8
crackBTC > load ckey 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
Expected block: 332d7f0a3e7bdb5e9327cfb20f1ab843
Adding 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155 to the list
crackBTC > start
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
crackBTC > stats
AES256 block operations 32855381/s
Total op 98566144, seconds 3
crackBTC > stats
AES256 block operations 34498150/s
Total op 689963008, seconds 20
crackBTC > stats
AES256 block operations 34017039/s
Total op 1156579328, seconds 34

exit with exit command or also Ctrl+C
crackBTC > ^C

Program Mode-Multiple CKEY/MKEY
You can multiply your chances of get one valid key if you load many ckeys and mkeys.
Only ONE ckey per wallet is needed because all the Ckeys of one wallet are encrypted with the same MKEY.

root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# ./crackbtcshell
Developed by AlbertoBSD. I wish you very good luck!!
crackBTC > set quiet 1
crackBTC > set threads 8
crackBTC > load ckey 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
Expected block: 332d7f0a3e7bdb5e9327cfb20f1ab843
Adding 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155 to the list
crackBTC > load mkey 6638b43ae50d0e3d08d8e88928722b5768d8a172e7178fc67f587b4be5d6d22d5df78f23ca0a59d5d28c95d2b5d59dae
Expected block: 78c8b162f7079fd66f486b5bf5c6c23d
Adding 6638b43ae50d0e3d08d8e88928722b5768d8a172e7178fc67f587b4be5d6d22d5df78f23ca0a59d5d28c95d2b5d59dae to the list
crackBTC > start
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
crackBTC > stats
AES256 block operations 55686376/s
Total op 4176478208, seconds 75

Program Mode-Preformatted command file

we can load a file with the commands in it
root@CryptoXploit:~/crackBTCwallet# nano command.txt

set quiet 1
set threads 8
load ckey 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
load mkey 6638b43ae50d0e3d08d8e88928722b5768d8a172e7178fc67f587b4be5d6d22d5df78f23ca0a59d5d28c95d2b5d59dae
crackBTC > load file command.txt

Program Mode-Proof of concept
you must know what is the wallet key of your test wallet then use this command. You need to supply this command when already the scanning progress is going on.
crackBTC > load file command.txt
loading command.txt
Expected block: 332d7f0a3e7bdb5e9327cfb20f1ab843
Adding 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155 to the list
Expected block: 78c8b162f7079fd66f486b5bf5c6c23d
Adding 6638b43ae50d0e3d08d8e88928722b5768d8a172e7178fc67f587b4be5d6d22d5df78f23ca0a59d5d28c95d2b5d59dae to the list
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
Starting a random thread!
crackBTC > try key 563758754506d53828c5383d2cb6296efe7f217c5ef6a84b13bce3ecec66da2e
Posible Key found
key_material: 563758754506d53828c5383d2cb6296efe7f217c5ef6a84b13bce3ecec66da2e
For ckey or mkey: 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
crackBTC > stats
AES256 block operations 56455331/s
Total op 1411383296, seconds 25
crackBTC >

Converting/Decrypt AES PrivKey in WIF format
first you need to calculate you IV for you current CKey:
crackBTC > doublesha256 0382ca08ce78b0935099c74db12873a7dc1cba10a44165ce8cc1d0602f49ee97f5
double sha256: 35fc5f8253f1bcf2c185571a35413f1f8a1816ee02360f36d0bd6339755f93f5
crackBTC >
The IV are the first 32 hexchar of the given hash IV: 35fc5f8253f1bcf2c185571a35413f1f
Now only decrypt the ckey:
crackBTC > aesdecrypt 35fc5f8253f1bcf2c185571a35413f1f 563758754506d53828c5383d2cb6296efe7f217c5ef6a84b13bce3ecec66da2e 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
decrypt_iv 35fc5f8253f1bcf2c185571a35413f1f
decrypt_key 563758754506d53828c5383d2cb6296efe7f217c5ef6a84b13bce3ecec66da2e
decrypt_enc 2e24da42feb389aab372163cac88c5b9233d6f1a2e6bcb4e8337dfa21f0aa85309fa70c00637474a88b0d881c4d93155
len: 48
Decrypted: 3ea5eaabe7f7b997ce732acc9cf08315a805109003ce2bd918bac1b73b82d7b710101010101010101010101010101010
crackBTC >
here in command first part is IV second part is key material third part is ckey/mkey

Remove the sixteen “10” at the end of the decrypted ckey(IMP-if you don’t GET sixteen “10” at the end of the decrypted ckey something is Wrong with your inputs)
for example 3ea5eaabe7f7b997ce732acc9cf08315a805109003ce2bd918bac1b73b82d7b710101010101010101010101010101010->3ea5eaabe7f7b997ce732acc9cf08315a805109003ce2bd918bac1b73b82d7b7

crackBTC > privatekeytowif 3ea5eaabe7f7b997ce732acc9cf08315a805109003ce2bd918bac1b73b82d7b7
Private KEY uncompressed 5JHsqscg3o1iAWjRP83nWWJFbgMrjnXwVQoxejtAqp4t6cCVgbo
Private KEY compressed KyKVQiQTML68gzEEce7HsEK9S4j4XqyZWQ6GdaGrSSk8XZJHqNWe
crackBTC >

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